I am interested in the possibilities of human labour in relation to how machines operate in a production line. I wish to be fully engaged in the process of making; explore how a mass produced object can inherit a certain aura through the hand of the artist. I propose my fascination lies in the area where human labour and a high level of precision suggest the productiveness and preciseness of a machine. Based on my own life experience I am interested in breaking materials out of the conservative. I aspire to liberate 'things' from a defined conventionality by emphasizing certain qualities overlooked in the conventional use and form.
Gitte fra sønderjyskhundeklip.dk "Jeg er utrolig imponeret over jeres utrolig gode service"
Michael Schultz
Hej Knud, tak. Undskyld det sene svar, jeg har lavet kunst siden så har en masse værker på min hjemmeside www.michaelschultz.dk
22 March 2012