Every FRAME is FREE 4 U to use, enhance, sell or whatever - U can make a personal income with my flesh.. or U can donate the money to the needy. U decide. (re:turn to start) Every FRAME is FREE 4 U to use, enhance, sell or whatever - U can make a personal income with my flesh.. or U can donate the money to the needy. U decide. (re:turn to start) ... Do U know what cyclical consumption is?
Great work... And thoughts. Respect!
17 July 2012
The Thin Grey Duke
You can have a look at the book here:
23 July 2011
The Thin Grey Duke
Word is: You can have this book, yes the original, and you can
sell it for profit. You can (via paypal), have the money send to
your doorstep OR you can channel the money to some of the
needy --> everywhere <-- in the world. Write here and connect:
23 July 2011
Gitte fra sønderjyskhundeklip.dk "Jeg er utrolig imponeret over jeres utrolig gode service"
U should be a part of my artist-portrait , please write me, love your stuff man! :DDD
18 February 2014