Painter: Marie’s paintings have a strong and powerful expression. The paintings take root in her songwriting and they are rough, edgy, fragile and vulnerable, all at the same time. The lyrics of Marie’s songs are deeply personal and yet completely universal. She writes in order to reach out, and she works with themes that people can relate to. The songs are the inspiration for most of her drawings and paintings and form a synthesis when experienced together as the visual aspects complement lyrics and music. Material: Marie mainly uses wallpaper, watercolor, old newspapers, acrylic, inkpot and coffee on canvas or thick cotton watercolor paper. Singer and songwriter: Marie is a singer and songwriter from Copenhagen, Denmark, inspired by artists such as Etta James, Gillian Welch and M.Ward, but who has found her own and very personal sound. Lyrics and melodies are created on the dobro or guitar and are catchy, yet deep and original. Marie’s voice is powerful, light and soft at the same time and creates a strong trademark for her as an artist. Marie is a natural musical talent that has only shown the tip of what she has to offer. Her tunes are all original and written about life experiences, which are deeply personal and yet completely universal. Marie plays with her band Lilyphone, who are always by her side. Lilyphone consists of three amazing musicians: Thomas Steen Hansen on cajon & choir, Henrik Steen on the bass and Jakob Thomhav on guitar. Lilyphone have been touring a lot in Nashville, which has contributed to the band’s unique sound. Read more about the band by entering the Lilyphone menu or visit their website:
Hej Marie, jeg har lige oprettet en blog "Collage – kunstnerisk udtryk" hvor du er omtalt, håber det er ok, mvh Kim
19 November 2011
Hej Marie
Tillykke med din placering, du var absolut min favorit til at vinde, og rigtig flot hjemmeside du har fået lavet.
Får vel råd til at købe en af dine billeder inden de bliver for dyre :-),
Mvh, Kim Groth
06 July 2011
Lis Hanne Bonde
Stort tillykke med 3. pladsen og pøj pøj fremover.
27 March 2011
Marie Keis Uhre
Tusinde tak Gurli og Knud.
Jeg er meget beæret over at blive nummer 3, og synes at alle
finalisterne var meget dygtige.
Kh Marie
25 March 2011
Hej Marie
Tillykke med 3. pladsen. Annette havde ret - jeg ved bare ikke
lige hvordan, det var blevet lækket en dag for tidligt. Nå skidt
med det. Tillykke endnu engang!
25 March 2011
Marie Keis Uhre
Hej Annette
Tusinde tak for din hilsen. Jeg tror dog ikke, at det er besluttet
endnu, men det kan være, at jeg tager fejl.
Men det ville da være fantastisk. Tør ikke at glæde mig for
Kærlig hilsen
24 March 2011
Annette Falk Lund
Hej Marie, tillykke med din 3.plads ved årets Kunsttalent.
Held og lykke med fremtiden'
24 March 2011
Du er god. Kan rigtig godt li' dine udtryk og farver
Hilsen N.J
14 March 2011
Anna Kott
Fede billeder, stærk udtryk og masser af dynamik.
21 January 2011
Gökhan Tanatar
i min verden er det kunst..fed stil.
17 January 2011
Marie Keis Uhre
Tak Ege
Kiggede lige forbi din side. Du har en meget personlig original
Kh Marie
16 January 2011
Spændende billeder med en effektfuld teknik.
hilsen EGE
16 January 2011
Gitte fra sø "Jeg er utrolig imponeret over jeres utrolig gode service"
Stærkt og originalt. Simpelthen...!
18 July 2012