09-07-2014 Vist: 266 gange.
Probably most of you arleady are on holiday, but if you are not arleady on holiday, so let's meet at the festival of art!
You will get guaranteed a few nice days, with a lot of wonderful art, and I will be also there with my artworks.
Specially for this occasion I prepared a lot of novelty, which has not yet been published.
Here is one of them: Watercolours on papir from my new series "My world"
These paintings and much more you can see and buy at "Dragør Kunstfestival" (12-13 july, Badstuevælen in Dragør (both days 10-16)). So see you there
Gitte fra sønderjyskhundeklip.dk "Jeg er utrolig imponeret over jeres utrolig gode service"