05-09-2014 Vist: 406 gange.
Maybe some of you can remember, that I wrote on fb some time ago that at the beginning of september, I will present you some noveltly. I wrote also in my blog that I love to try a new things, use all the time a new materials and experiment with them, so with whole preasure I would like to present you my new collection "Love of nature".
This time it is not a collection of photographs or paintings but... EAR-RINGS
"Love of nature"
Yes, you read correct ear-rings. Some of artist paint on different surfaces - often furniture, but I wanted to experiment with something other.
Why "Love of nature"? I just love nature, and I wanted, that a material, from which are made earrings, was the most natural.
So earrings are made of wood, which has been painted by me I would like also to pay attention, the earrings are unique, hand-painted and occur in single copies. Edition is limited and is not yet available in the webshop, but if you are interesting in purchasing, so you can write to me mago302@windowslive.com
I hope you can like my new project, and I would like to invite you to visit my fb site, where are always information about upcoming noveltly.
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