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The one that is judging us the most, is ourself!

16-04-2012 Vist: 171 gange.

Why is it that the one that judges us the most is ourself.. When we think something is wrong, other people must think it to, and then it is obvious wrong!

I find it so stupid, and I do it myself SO MUCH - judge me for things I should maybe be proud of...

It can be; how we behave, who we are dating, what we are wearing, how we talk and what we talk about, and so on...

E.g. I now have made some pictures that I don´t want to share because they are a little pornographic - and what wouldn´t people think about me if I showed them!
Another example are a guy I met by chat and who I now are starting dating; you cannot date someone you have meet on chat - is words that keeps bumbling into my brain... !
Or if you date someone that are too young or too old..
And I could keep on going with the examples, because yes I do not judge other people for these thinks - make the art you want and have sex or relations with who you want! Free art and free love, is my new motto!
But when it comes to myself I judge SO MUCH...
SO to all of you that do the same - STOP JUDGING YOURSELF!!!

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HVorfor skriver du på engelsk? Blot nysgerrig. Jeg tror ikke der er særlig mange her på MyArtSpace som ikke kan dansk....

20 April  2012

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