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"Give a Glove!"

18-02-2014 Vist: 196 gange.

Hey Everyone! 

I have for some time now had an idea to make some kind of hobby-firm, mixed with a fond or a volunteer-project! - I think I will call the firm - "Give a Glove!" 

The idea came from my own problems with financing my psychologist-appointments, that can cost up to 900kr..
I got help from my sweet Grandmother, but far from all people have these connections and some do not wish to tell there family about there problems, or in general borrow money or get them.. I myself felt bad to get money for it, but to worry about that kind of stuff while being "sick" is not helpful. 

First I just wanted to support some friends that needed it, but as people in general have a hard time taking money from others, the idea with the firm came up. Then it will not be my money, but all's money, and the people that get help can donate or help in other ways in the project (if they wish). I think there is a lot of people that at some point in there life needs a little help figuring out there problems, and a psychologist can help with that - I do not consider my childhood or any other part of my live as a mess, but I needed help at some point. So no one should be ashamed of getting the help they need - I consider it a free space to talk about what-ever you need without worrying about using your friends time or bother your family with your problems (not that u cannot do that, but sometime even that cannot help..)
Anyway , the idea was to start it up and see how it goes and in the future have the possibility to also support older people without money for the help..   
I think there could be these days where people go out to get money - house to house or on the street and in exchange they get a little art-thingy - like a poem, a picture, a funny thought about life e.g. - but I will have to research for the right to do this and make the firm legal, the tax-laws and so on. In one week I will go to a meeting to figure stuff like that out! Maybe it will also end up being a place where people that got good help could recommend psychologists for others, as I know the problems about finding a good one.
So this was the basic idea, when I get more info I will write. In the meantime send comments or ideas to help make the project a reality. OR if you wanna help in any way when it starts, contact me - Annekristensen5@hotmail.com :D

Have a nice evening!


- Yours,


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